pharmaceutical grade extraction with pinpoint accuracy
HIGHTECH Extracts is the official North American distributor of Supercritical Fluid Network (SCFN) Supercritical CO2 extraction systems.
Founded in 1995, this group of physicists, pharmaceutical scientists, engineers, & industrial manufacturers comprise a global network supply chain that has sought to lead the charge in understanding & perfecting the incredible power of supercritical fluid extraction.
We offer the widest range of supercritical CO2 extraction systems in the world and a powerful network of industry knowledge & experience. Joining the HIGHTECH community connects you to the leaders of supercritical extraction technology. From Lab Scale tabletop extraction systems for research & development, workhorse Production Scale systems, or Industrial Scale extraction systems capable of extracting thousands of pounds a day.
limitless applications for endless uses
From purer oils to lighter glass, more eco-friendly rubber, and more, the uses of extraction are only limited by your ingenuity.
Introducing our brand-new Industrial Series supercritical CO2 extraction system, MODULEX. Employing sophisticated design, our machines are modular & infinitely scalable. Quickly deployed and easily integrated, our systems are ready for any application at any scale.
7,540 – 10,560 (lbs.)
Single Module – Throughput/Day
The Future of Extraction is Safe, Clean, & Measured